In order to publish research work the IJBASR must obtain the legal rights for publishing and the copyright that need to do so from the authors of that research work in all formats, in all media (including specifically print and electronic). For short items in journals (reviews, news items, etc) the IJBASR takes a non-exclusive licence in the form of a brief Terms and Conditions for Acceptance document (obtainable from the relevant Journals office). In addition to obtaining the rights that we need from the author regarding his/her own research work; we must also ensure that the research work which publish does not infringe the copyright of others. We require the author to obtain all permissions that might be needed from third parties to include research work output that belongs to someone else i.e., figure or diagram. A standard Permission Request Form for non-IJBASR material is available.

1. Permission Requests

Material in the International Journal of Basic Science and Applied Science Research and other publishers’ publications is subject to all applicable copyright, database protection, and other rights. Therefore for any publication, whether printed or electronic, permission must be obtained to use material for which the author(s) does not already own the copyright. This material may be, for example, a figure, diagram, table, photo or some other image. Note that permission is not given to re-use your own figures and diagrams etc., which were originally published in International Journal of Basic and Applied Science Research. However, permission should be requested for use of the whole article or chapter.

2. Use of IJBASR material in our publications

Authors contributing to our publications (journal articles) do not need to formally request permission to reproduce material contained in another International Journal of Basic and Applied Science Research publication. Permission should, however, be requested for use of a whole article or chapter. For all cases of reproduction the correct acknowledgement should be given in the caption of the reproduced the research work. The acknowledgement depends on the publication of which research material was published and the publication in which it is being reproduced. The form of the acknowledgement to be included in the caption can be found on the page entitled Acknowledgements for reproduction of IJBASR material in IJBASR publications.

3. Author use of own material in third party publications

Authors of our publications (journal articles) do not need to formally request permission to reproduce material contained in their own article or chapter which was originally published in a IJBASR publication. Permission should, however, be requested for use of the whole article, and except for the exception specified below. For all cases of reproduction the correct acknowledgement should be given in the caption of the reproduced material.  The acknowledgement depends on the publication in which the material was published. The form of the acknowledgement to be included in the caption can be found on the page entitled Acknowledgements to be used by IJBASR authors.

4. Author use of own material in theses and dissertation

Authors of articles in our journals do not need to formally request permission to reproduce their article. For all cases of reproduction the correct acknowledgement should be given in the caption of the reproduced material.  The acknowledgement depends on the publication in which the material was published. The form of the acknowledgement to be included in the caption can be found on the page entitled Acknowledgements to be used by IJBASR authors. Please ensure that your co-authors are aware that you are including the paper in your thesis.

5. Use of third party material in our publications

We must ensure that the material we publish does not infringe the copyright of others. We require the author(s) to obtain at the earliest opportunity, the relevant permissions that might be needed from third parties to include material that belongs to someone else. Please check how the publisher/copyright owner of the third party material wishes to receive permission requests.

  • A number of publishers have opted out of receiving express permissions as long as they fall under the rules of the STM Permission Guidelines.
  • If they do not fall into the category above, the majority of publishers now use Rights Link from the Copyright Clearance Centre (CCC) in the India to process their requests.
  • Other publishers have their own permission request forms and/or specify what information they need to process any permission request.
  • If the publisher/copyright owner does not have a specific procedure please complete and submit the permission request form for non-IJBASR Material form and send it to the permission administrator or editor of the relevant publication.
  • If the copyright owner has opted to publish under a Creative Commons licence, licensees are required to get permission to do any of the things with a work that the law reserves exclusively to a licensor and that the licence does not expressly allow. Licensees must credit the licensor, keep copyright notices intact on all copies of the work and link to the license from copies of the work.

In all cases the following rights need to be obtained:

Permission is required to include the specified material in the work described and in all subsequent editions of the work to be published by the International Journal of Basic and Applied Science Research for distribution throughout the world, in all media including electronic and microfilm and to use the material in conjunction with computer-based electronic and information retrieval systems, to grant permissions for photocopying, reproductions and reprints, to translate the material and to publish the translation and to authorise document delivery and abstracting and indexing services.

6. Use of our material in non-IJBSR publication

If you require permission to use material from one of our publications or website in a publication not owned by us and you are not the author of our publication, the following procedures should be followed.

Before sending in any request you should check that the material you wish to reproduce is not credited to a source other than the IJBASR. The credit will be given in the caption of the image or sometimes in the list of references.

  • For processing permissions to reproduce material from an IJBASR journal the IJBASR now offers the Rights Link service. Go to the Instructions for Using Rights Link page to find out progress these requests.
  • If you are reproducing material from IJBASR, education or science policy publication or IJBASR website you must complete and submit the online Permission Request Form (or the printed Permission Request Form for IJBASR Material). Requests are usually for use of a figure or diagram, but they may also be for use of the entire article. Requests to use individual figures or diagrams are invariably granted.  Permission for another publisher to print an entire IJBASR article may be granted in special circumstances.

Please plan to submit your request well ahead of publication of your material. Please note that we are unable to supply artwork for the material you may wish to reproduce. Permission requests are handled by the executive editor